Sunday, September 29, 2024
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V-Guard changes logo, unveils new tag line

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Kochi: V-Guard industries, a household name for voltage stabilizers in South Indian market has dressed up its logo in order to reflect the strength gained by the brand over the years.

In the changed logo too, the company has retained the key symbol – a standing Kangaroo- , which has been registered deep in the mind of customers of the company. But in the new one, the image of the standing Kangaroo was replaced with that of a hopping Kangaroo against sleek black background bordered with golden line.

The brand claims that the changed logo “embodies innovation and progress’’ (of the company).

Apart from changing logo, it has unveiled a new tag line -Bring Home A Better Tomorrow – “aligning to promise of delivering thoughtful products and experience to its customers, for a better tomorrow.’’

The company says “the new identity marks the evolution of the 40-year old company into a new-generation and technology driven smart organization. ‘’




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